Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Texas' money issues and education

After reading Olive's blog about Texas' money issues and hasty cuts from our education budget, I can agree wholeheartedly where she stands. Education, time and time again, has been claimed to be our number one priority yet we have slashed our budget by a significant amount and are seeing cuts in places that I find unnecessary. As taxpayers, isn't education what our money should be going to? We sit on a Rainy Day Fund that could solve the cut crisis and give back to schools who are now overpopulated and are cutting hundreds of jobs, but do we see anyone trying to do that? No.

As Olive states, it would be ideal to have an audience actually paying attention to the actions of politicians when it comes to our money and where it's being cut and pasted. However, that isn't the case. Maybe if we cut things from education like a few liberal arts classes or certain sport teams with little enrollment per school, we could churn that money to going towards political awareness courses and not only getting the students involved, but motivation to get their families involved and stop the future of our youth from being under-educated about government and the power we have if we utilize it.

For now, we see our money cast astray to other "priorities", but hopefully a politician who is true of his word for education being most important will come along and make sure Texas is in the best of hands.

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